I had to go to work on Christmas Eve, but we closed at 1:00. So, I ran by Brookshire's on the way home, and then my great MIL came over, and we started cooking! Melanie was in awe of our Kitchen Aid mixer and how quickly it made the cheese roll. She was so funny saying things like, "This is the best mixed cheese roll ever!", "I never even had to get my hands dirty!", "That only took 5 minutes!" She made us smile.
Cole & Kat came over and hung out for a bit before the candle light service, but I didn't get any pictures. Drat! We went to the Christmas Eve Candle Light service at our church. It was beautiful, and we got to sing some wonderful, timeless Christmas carols. It was nice remembering the true reason for the season. Happy Birthday Jesus!
Christmas morning was lots of fun. This was mine & Nick's first year to wake up on Christmas morning in our own house. As I've already blogged, Nick already had his Christmas gift, a grill. However, I wanted him to have something to open on Christmas morning, so I got him a grill cover and wrapped it. He also had his stocking to open. Husband did a phenomenal job on my Christmas presents. He got me a new pair of Anderson Bean cowboy boots and a charm for my bracelet. The charm is a pearl and a heart engraved with the due date of the baby I miscarried. The pearl would have been the baby's birthstone. I, of course, cried, but I also thought it was so sweet. I will definitely cherish it. We were planning on eating a French toast casserole I made for breakfast then heading over to his parents, but we both just decided to load everything up and take it to their house.
Nick's & the puppies' stockings, and Nick's gift. |
Yay! Cowboy boots! |
The pups were so excited for their Christmas presents... sweet potato-wrapped, candy cane-shaped bones. |
Intense right there. |
Satchel knows to chew on the blanket and not the couch. :) |
Nick opening his grill cover. |
He was excited, I promise. :) |
Satchel's other Christmas present, a new hoodie. |
Tex wasn't letting up until that thing was finished. He accomplished that in about 45 minutes! |
It says "Wildlife Park Ranger"! |
Hahaha! |
The wood photo collage. You can order your's on her facebook site, Vanderpix, and see her other pieces she's done. :) |
As I mentioned, it started snowing on Christmas day. I had to trek outside to take some pictures of our house all lit up and covered in snow. It was very pretty!
Forgot to turn the flash off. |
Pretty pretty! |
Nick & I went over to the Mayben's house on Christmas evening. The kids wanted to show us all of their goodies, and Nick had to pick up his decoys from Mitchell to go hunting the next day.
Keyton in his awesome hat and four wheeler. |
Kenlie with all of her goodies. |
Cheesin' for the camera! |
We had such a fabulous Christmas. We're so blessed to be surrounded with so many friends and family. Jesus had a wonderful birthday this year, and we loved celebrating it with him!
And the craziest thing happened today at lunch. My best friend from school, Hannah, and I were texting yesterday. She's in from Wyoming, and we were trying to figure out a time to get together. Then today, Nick & I had lunch at Whataburger next to my office, and I look up and see Hannah's three nieces and nephew having lunch with their Dad! Of course, Emalee decided she needed to come sit with Nick & me. I was totally okay with that. We don't get to see them very often. :) We had to take pictures to send to Aunt Hannah. Bailey & Mally gave me a big hug when we saw them, and then Emalee ran out of the booth and up to me. Sam gave me a big hug as well, but I don't think he's old enough to really remember me like the girls. Mally and Bailey helped the younger ones by reminding them I was a bridesmaid in Hannah & Brett's wedding. So much fun getting to see them!
Mally Kate, me, and Bailey |
Sam wanted his picture taken too! |
Miss Emalee Clare and me |
Nick & I went over to the Mayben's tonight to eat dinner. Mitchell made some yummy roast, Casey made some delicious sides, and we brought dessert (pies from Christmas). After dinner, Casey and I played "cows" with Keyton. He got a farm and animals for Christmas, and he wanted us to play with him. It was a fun night for sure!
My dear sweet dede an nick
ReplyDeleteI has been thinking about you both...I feel that jesses is putting this on my heart so please know it comes from a place of great Love....I too know very well...too well the heart break of loosing a child....from the age of 16 when I was very much by myself with the loss to the age of 25 when I was a mother of two sons facing the loss of a child only to find my self with child again just a short time later....looking back now it all still hurts but I can see now the Lords Plan for my life at least in part.... an I know I well see all four of my angels again one day ....an until that day they live in me forever a part of me each with their own place in my heart.....the hurt will ease with time but your hearts will never forget ....an so a bond is made bewteen us now our hearts are linked forever now insink I am with you both when you greive I greive when I greive you grive together we heal ....together we grow together forever together family a bond forever will hold!!!!! I know in my heart of heart you will have childern weather by birth or gift from another our Lord has his plain an our goal is to toether uncover!!!!! I love you both very much!!!! I am here for you both no matter what you need !!!!
I tried to put my contact info up but the www had other ideas....
I am April's Big Sister andrea... angie.... my email is apetty1030@windstream.net
if you need to talk april has my number!!!!!!
Thank you Angie! I'm so appreciative of your prayers and thoughts. I know God has a plan for us, and maybe, in time, we'll learn those plans. I can't wait for the day that we have one here on Earth, but I also look forward to the time I'll get to meet my precious little one. Again, thank you for the prayers! And, please, keep them coming!