Nick & I went to dinner with the Mayben's before the football game Friday night. Casey told me a story of something Kenlie asked her. Kenlie was wanting to know who all her aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc. were. After Casey went through all the family members, Kenlie asked, "Well, what is DeAnna? I want her to be something." I thought that was so cute! Love that kid. She also asked, "Is DeAnna my 'Nana?'" Keyton calls me "Nana" because "DeAnna" won't quite work for him yet. Casey had to tell her I'm just a friend, not an aunt or a "Nana," but I thought it was just too precious. :) Anyways, back to the evening. We ate dinner then went to the football game. It got SUPER cold while we were there (okay only 65 but it was windy and we weren't dressed for cold). We all thought the cold front wasn't supposed to come through until midnight, but we were wrong. We ended up leaving after half time because none of us could handle the chills any longer. We all headed over to the Fink's house to watch the kids play and just visit for a while in the warmth. :) Kelley & David skipped the football game because the Rangers were playing. and David was NOT going to miss that. But we were able to hang out with the Finks, Maybens, and Jernigans for about an hour before we all headed home.
Kenlie and I at the football game. |
After we left the Hot Link Joint, Nick & I went to look at some of the jobs he's bidding and currently working on, then we went home and tackled our out of control garage situation. I want to have a garage sale in two weeks, but our stuff was EVERYWHERE! So, we worked for the better part of the afternoon, now my car fits in the garage, and most of our things are well organized. That makes me happy. :) We went and ate dinner with Joe & Melanie at Pete's. We split a pizza and squealer appetizer. It was delicious! Then we all headed home.
See! It fits! |
Monday was Columbus Day, and the bank was closed so I was off. I went to a funeral for my great Uncle Carl. I don't really remember much of Uncle Carl, but I do know his daughters and granddaughters and love them very much! So I headed to Clarksville for the visitation and graveside service. About 40 of the Patriot Guard were also there for the processional out to the graveside which was very neat. Uncle Carl was in the navy during WWII. It was a beautiful ceremony, and I know Carl Roberts, Jr., Master Electrician, will be missed. A fun memory pertaining to Uncle Carl. His daughters, Carlene and Sheila, threw me a graduation party at Carlene's lake house for some of my good friends when I graduated high school. Carlene and Sheila both refer to their father a lot during conversation, and most times it's something like this, "Carl Roberts taught me how to ski when I was little." Or, "Carl Roberts showed me how to park this boat." Or, "Carl Roberts always used to tell this story..." One of my friends, Danielle, asked me, "DeAnna, am I supposed to know who Carl Roberts is? Is he famous or something?" I laughed and said, "No, that's my great uncle, their dad." :) They loved their father, and you could most definitely tell.
I'll be cleaning house this week, then my Sister is coming to spend the weekend with us. We're going to the NEEDTOBREATHE concert in Longview on Saturday. I'm super duper excited!
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