I didn't post throughout all of August. I had the best intentions too, but nothing actually happened. :( So, I have LOTS to update!!
The month of August started out very sad. We had just returned from our vacation, and Nick's great aunt, Brenda Nicholson, was in a bad car wreck in Longview. She made it to the hospital and there were people visiting her. I'm sure she was being typical Aunt Brenda, but then she had a stroke. She passed away just a few days into August. She was was always such a joy to be around. We'll all miss her dearly. I love and think about you often Aunt Brenda. Can't wait to see you again in heaven!
On a happier note, I read three phenomenal books over two weeks in the end of July and beginning of August.
The Hunger Games trilogy was AMAZING!!! Read them, you'll love them. AND, the first movie comes out next year. It will be epic. Another good book to read that I read in August is
The Help. Simply awesome and the movie was very close to the book. Loved both.
August 10th was my sister's 27th birthday. :) We went down the Sunday before to have lunch and open presents. Nick and I got her two charms for her Pandora bracelet: one that says "Sister" and an owl. We all went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings in Texarkana. Loved getting to spend time with them.
Sister and her charms... ;) |
August 27th, Nick and I had some good friends get married in Grapevine. We made a weekend of it and spent Friday and Saturday nights with April, Jimmy, and Wyatt. Oh how I've missed those three! Nick and I left as soon as we could Friday to get to the Hatchers. We arrived around 7:00 and went to eat dinner at a good little burger joint within walking distance from Jimmy & Aprils (and we didn't walk even though it was within walking distance). :) We spent the evening catching up with some of my favorite people. April got to open her birthday presents from me a month and a half late. But better late than never. I got her an apron, frame/wall art, and a journal to write stories to Wyatt. Saturday morning, we got up and went swimming at Jimmy's mom's house. Jimmy couldn't participate because he had to work. :( But we did have fun. Saturday evening, Nick and I headed to Grapevine for Kristen and Travis Jernigan's wedding. I'm an awful person and didn't get ONE picture. I'll just tell Kristen to put her dress on and I'll dress up so we can take a picture. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception. So glad to have the two of them in Pittsburg with us now. Sunday, we went to church with the Hatchers and spent the afternoon lounging about and watching a movie. It was bittersweet to leave. I was ready to get home, but didn't want to say goodbye to my Bestie's family. We'll see them again very soon!
April and her apron. :) |
The blue eyed Bugaboo who has captured his Aunt DeDe's heart. |
Aren't we cute? Love the little man. |
Besties! Oh how I wish we could live in the same town and be with each other always! |
Wyatt checked out after a bit in his bumble bee blow up toy. He's too cute. |
The beautiful couple! I had to steal this from Kristen's facebook. :) |
The first weekend in September, my Mom's family had a big get together for my Memaw's 90th birthday. It was great to get to see everyone. My Mom is the youngest of seven, so we have a large family. We had 43 in attendance, but we were also missing between 20 and 30. However, we had a great time. I went to NB Friday night to visit with my Aunt Trisha's family. We had lots of people at my parent's house. I spent the night, and we all headed to Annona the next morning for the festivities. There were six of the seven kids in attendance. We had way too much food (but, man, was it yummy) and lots of good visiting. We also got some great group pictures. After we finished there, everyone went their separate directions. Some went back home to Mississippi or Arkansas, but a lot of us went to my parents' house to swim and eat. :) Nick and I had to take a trek across east Texas. We left Annona, drove to Pittsburg to let Tex out, then drove to NB, then drove back to Pittsburg so we could be at church Sunday morning. However, it was most definitely worth it. I love my family so much!
One of my favorite little cousins, Charly. |
Aren't we such a loving family? Two of my uncles. :) |
One of my favorites in the whole wide world. Sister. :) |
Two of my other favorite people in the whole wide world, my parents. :) |
I have some seriously cute cousins...Landon, Charly and Kennedy. |
Six of the seven siblings and Memaw. |
Our family and Memaw. |
My Memaw is AWESOME. She does funny face pictures with us. :) |
Actually, my entire family is awesome. They ALL do funny faces. :) |
Satchel decided he needed a seat. |
Visiting... :) |
On Labor Day, my Dad's family came to mine and Nick's house for lunch and visiting. However, we didn't take any pictures. :( Sad day.
This past weekend, we got to visit a lot with friends and family. Friday night, Nick and I went to our first football game of the season with Travis and Kristen. Had a blast there AND we got to see Kat and Cole. :) Saturday morning, I had breakfast with Kathryn, Aryn and Aaron at the Hot Link Joint while Nick and Cole went fishing. Then we had a pretty lazy day. We did venture to Longview to go have dinner with the in-laws. :) Sunday, we had a 9/11 memorial service. It was amazing, and Brian Hughes spoke. He'll definitley have my vote if he decides to run for re-election. The music was wonderful and made me tear up a bit. I love getting to sing songs like "God Bless America" to remind everyone that God still has a place in our country. All first responders in Camp county were recognized and given a Bible as well. I'm very thankful to all of them for risking their lives daily to help protect our's. My favorite quote from the day was from Barbara Bush. "If you took everyone who slept in church and laid them end to end...they'd be a lot more comfortable." Love that lady!
Hopefully I'll be better about updating this month, but we'll see. :)
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