Just a few pictures to finish up December...
So, Nick and I were old this year to celebrate New Year's. We stayed at home, played with Brayden, ate hot dogs, watched
Pretty Woman, watched the ball drop in New York, then went to bed before it even hit midnight our time. But, I was perfectly content with our evening.
New Year's Day was my 27th birthday! Didn't do too much to celebrate because we left for Mississippi the next day to go visit my Mom's family. We did paint Brayden's bedroom though. And, my sweet husband is awesome and got me a delicious Flora Dee's cake. Husband and my sweet mother-in-love made lunch for me. And Oma & Joepa kept an eye on the little one while we painted his room.
During... |
Yummy lunch! |
Almost finished! Just needed to hang things. |
Like I mentioned, we left the next day for Mississippi. We spent the weekend there hanging out, catching up, and having fun with family.
I got a new pretty watch from Mom & Dad for my birthday. LOVE IT! |
This was right before we got home. Sweet boy was exhausted from his fun weekend with family. |
Some random pictures over the next week.
Satchel likes Brayden's chair. |
Spaghetti mess! |
This was one day when I got to the day care to pick Brayden up. He was napping HARD, and his little foot was between the rails. It was too cute not to take a picture. |
I mentioned in my last post that Nick and I got each other a new bed for Christmas. It was from Sam's, and came packaged like this... By the way, it's a king.
Before... |
After... That fit in that box! |
Satchel was jealous of Nick giving Brayden attention. |
The next weekend, my parents and sister came down, and we went out for my birthday. We went to a place in the sticks, called River Bend, to eat. They served seafood and what not, and it was very good! I forgot to take any pictures though. :(
Sunday, January 11th was a special day for our family. Nick was ordained as a deacon at our church. Such a wonderful time for us. The experience left me in tears having all of our current deacons (including my Dad) pray over Nick & myself plus the two other deacon's and their wives who were also ordained (Davey Miner and Curt Rolston). After the ordination, we had a reception and were able to visit more.
Random picture of Brayden's "Winter Themed" goodies for day care. |
Random picture of a nice enough day to play outside for a few minutes. Come on spring! |
The next weekend, Nick & I hosted the freshmen boys for our church's DNOW weekend. It was a blast! Those boys can eat, let me tell you. For breakfast one morning, we made 2 dozen eggs, 3 lbs of bacon, 32 cinnamon rolls, and they demolished it in no time flat. I think I'll start saving for when Brayden hits that age.
Yay! Nice weather to play in on Saturday. |
Riding the Ditch Witch with Daddy getting the bonfire ready for the kids that night. |
A little football in the front yard. |
Our guys praying Saturday night. |
The freshmen girls came over for a bonfire and a little hide and go seek! |
A few random photos during the week.
This kid LOVES homemade macaroni! |
In true DeAnna fashion, I decided to redo Brayden's bathroom the Tuesday before I was hosting a baby shower at my house on Saturday. I had already planned a lot of it, just needed to do it. I bought the paint, and we went to town. I wanted a nautical theme. I've decided it can be boy themed for now, and if our next child is a girl, we'll add mermaids. :)
Saturday, January 24th, I hosted Chaynie's baby shower at our house with the help of some awesome ladies. Brayden spent the weekend with my parents and Sister, so I could prepare for the shower without his help. :) That evening, we celebrated Kelley's 30th birthday with a surprise party (but I forgot pictures).
Food table. |
Sign in table. |
Gift table. |
Chaynie opening presents. |
I was so excited to get our boy back on Sunday. I've never done two nights in a row away from him, and it was hard!
These boys love Home Improvement. |
Running errands with Mommy. |
January came and went. Next onto February.
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