Things have been crazy hectic. Who knew that feeding, changing, and caring for a little human could make you so tired?! Did you also know that you can take hundreds of pictures of a sleeping baby even though nothing changes much from picture to picture, and you will love each picture as if they are completely different from each other. :)
We have amazing friends and family, and they have all helped us greatly. Our Sunday school class and my Bible study girls have kept us well fed. They've all been amazing and are all wonderful cooks! Many of them loved on Brayden and let us eat a non-rushed dinner. My Momma spent Saturday through Wednesday after Brayden was born with us. She cleaned the whole house and took care of Bray while I rested. Nick's Aunt Patsy came down one day this week. Uncle Bobby had a funeral to go to in Daingerfield, and Aunt Patsy decided to come visit us. She was a God-send because I ended up feeling extremely exhausted, and she took care of Brayden and allowed me to take a nap. My mother-in-love came to our house one afternoon to take care of him while I went to get my hair appointment.. I've been so thankful for everyone. Thank you to everyone who has helped us in some way or another. I don't know how we could have done it without all of y'all!
A few of things that I've really enjoyed since having Brayden...
- I can sleep on my stomach again.
- I am able to eat a full meal!
- I can finally pop my back.
A couple things I miss...
- I enjoyed the belly.
- I miss feeling Brayden kick and move around.
We've done a lot in the past two weeks, and here are pictures documenting it all.
BB cuddled with Brayden a lot while she was here. |
We enjoy his cute little yawns. |
He had his first appointment on Monday, October 21st. He was 20 inches long and 9 pounds 5 ounces, and his head was 14.5 inches. He was discharged from the hospital at 9 pounds 1 ounce after being born at 9 pounds 6 ounces. So, he was almost back to his birth weight. And he was born at 21 inches long, and his head was 15 inches. |
Poor little guy had to have his foot pricked to check his bilirubin levels. |
He was exhausted after his newborn photo session. |
See... lots of sleeping baby pictures, but he's so cute! And the bottom left picture is slightly showing his dimple. |
His first trip to a store was to Home Depot. |
This was a maternity picture and a newborn picture we planned. :) Our little monster. |
Morning feeding one day. So serious! |
This was while I was feeding Brayden. Tex fell asleep with his back end still on the floor. Ha! |
First trip to a restaurant was to Dairy Queen in Mt. Vernon. Nick had to run a working errand on Saturday morning, and Bray and I decided to go with him. |
My aunt, uncle, cousin, parents, and sister came to visit on Saturday afternoon. Brayden was exhausted afterwards and Nick was loving getting the baby cuddles. |
My Momma (BB) is already spoiling her grandson. :) |
Mr. Bright Eyes one night. |
I just love how peaceful he looks. |
Had to take this picture for Sister. |
He loves his bouncer! |
I received these beautiful flowers from a vendor I work with at the bank. I was so surprised. They are absolutely beautiful! |
He was laying on my chest, and I love his little arms crossed under his chin. |
My fur baby is tired from taking care of Brayden. :) |
I came in one night to get into bed and found this. I almost hate putting Brayden in his bassinet when I see this. |
Brayden had his two week appointment. He was 21.5 inches long (75th percentile), 9 pounds 10 ounces (75th percentile), and his head was 15.25 inches (75th percentile). |
Nick did some baby wearing while I ate dinner on Halloween. Nick answered the door to give candy to trick-or-treaters, and Brayden was wanting to be held. I was eating, so Daddy came to the rescue. One little girl said, "Oh, your baby is so cute!" I think Nick gave her extra candy. :) |
Happy Halloween from Mr. Brayden! FYI, that outfit in the big picture is 3 months! |
He just looked too cute to not take a picture of him. :) |
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