Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eye Problems, Cook Books, and Pat Benatar...OH MY!

A LOT has happened in the past two weeks! 

To start with, Saturday, January 14th, Nick and I FINALLY cleaned out our garage (after living there for over a year), and my car can fit!  This made me extremely happy!  Speaking of, I have a nice couch and slip cover (that I would like out of my garage for more room) for sale for $75 if anyone is interested. :)  Any ways... In the midst of all the cleaning, and putting things in the attic, some insulation fell on me.  I didn't think it was that big of a deal.  Then, all day Sunday, my left eye was super blurry.  I just kept thinking my contacts must be messed up or something.  Monday morning (my day off for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day), I woke-up at 4:00 am with some of the worst pain I've ever been in.  It felt as if my eye was on fire and popping out of my head!  I tried to suck it up, rinsed it out, laid really still, but it kept getting worse.  We called Casey to see if I should go to the ER, and she said to wait and go to the optometerist because they could do more for me.  So, at 8:30, we were crossing the threshold of the doctor's office.  She looked and said I had a lot of abrasions on my cornea.  I believe that insulation that had fallen on me had gotten under my contact and spent the day scratching my eye on Sunday.  So, I got precription drops, my eye dialated, and felt MUCH better!  I've had two relapses of intense pain, but I know if I put drops in and lay still, it will get better quickly.  I've now worn contacts four days in a row, and haven't had any problems.  Whoop whoop!

Tuesday, January 17th, our ladies' Bible study started back up.  It's so good to be back with all of those wonderful ladies!  We are studying a book called Seeds by Priscilla Shirer.  It is AMAZING!  We had our second meet up yesterday.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and Stacey and I brought the food. :)

The book we are going through this semester.
Thursday, January 19th, Nick and I met up with Mitch & Casey and the kids at Two Senioritas to eat.  Then, Casey, Kenlie & I went to the movies to see Beauty & the Beast in 3D at the movies.  I absolutely LOVE that movie.  Kenlie had never seen it.  She got scared during the wolf part, but she crawled up in my lap and watched the rest of the movie.  I asked what she liked best about the movie, and her response was, "When the Beast started being nice to Belle."  It was so cute.  Glad I got to be a part of introducing the next generation to Disney classics.

Saturday, January 21st, Nick and I headed to Henderson for the unveiling of the Nicholson family cookbook.  Nick's paternal grandmother (known as Mimi or Edna) was a Nicholson.  Hence, Nick's name. :)  We went to Nick's aunt and uncle's house for a good ol' family potluck, visiting, and unveiling of the cookbook.  It was so much fun!  People are coming out of the woodworks for these cookbooks.  I believe Melanie has sold 31 all together so far!  I can't wait to crack that puppy open and start cooking new recipes.
Little Grace and I. :)
Staging of the cookbook unveiling. 
Our AWESOME cookbook. :)

That evening, Nick and I went out for our friend Kelley's birthday.  We had 6 or 7 couples who all attended.  We started the night at Pete's in Mt Pleasant.  Loved it!  It was the first time Nick and I had ever eaten there.  BBQ & pizza.  All American, right? :)  After dinner, we headed over to Kelley & David's house to play some Kinect, hang out, and eat cupcakes.  It was a blast!  I love the group of friends Nick and I have made here in Pittsburg.  I was so concerned when we came that there wouldn't be anyone to hang-out with, but the Lord has provided for us, and for that I am truly thankful.

A few weeks back, our youth minister/contemporary worship leader at church approached me about starting up a Praise Choir for our second service.  Wednesday, January 25th, we had our first practice, and our first time to sing with the band was Sunday, January 29th.  We are in need of more voices, so if you'd like to sing along, come join us!  I'm so excited for this new experience!  I've always wanted to sing in the church choir, and now we're getting to have one! 

Saturday, January 28th, I helped my boss out by being a "celebrity" for the Pilot Club's Celebrity Waiter Dinner in Mt Pleasant.  The theme was 80's music.  We had lots of people dressed as 80's music icons, and I was Pat Benatar.  I felt extremely awkward, but it was a blast.  :)

Michael Jackson, Joan Jett, and David Lee Roth 
Tina Turner, Madonna, Cindi Lauper, and Pat Benatar
Gene Simmon's shoes...those are fish
Hubby and I
Pat Benatar, Michael Jackson, and Cindi Lauper :)
Myself, Slash, and my boss, Charlotte
This was my inspiration for my outfit. :)
I can't believe I walked out of the house dressed like this!

The next two months are shaping up to be EXTREMELY full.  But, it will all be fun, I'm sure. :)

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