Apparently, I'm going to be a once a month blogger. Oh well. I'll do what I can. :)
We went out in March for our friend's Curt's birthday. Then the next day, we went out to celebrate my Dad's birthday. Mom, Sister, and I gave Brayden a bath in the kitchen sink. It was pretty cute. Mrs. Becky gave my Mom a bouncer and Bray got to enjoy that as well. We all met up with my Uncle David at Cracker Barrel to celebrate.
I, of course, have taken a lot of random pictures. :)
My hubby has had a beard for over a year. At then end of March, he decided to take the plunge and shave it off. He'd been contemplating it for a while, but when Brayden spit up all in his beard that evening, he decided it was time. Plus, Bray had started grabbing and pulling. He's handsome either way! Brayden had fun feeling his Daddy's face the next morning when he woke up. He knew exactly who he was as soon as Nick spoke to him.
Brayden has really started to like watching the puppies and laughing at them. Satchel is warming up to him. Tex checks on him when he cries or is laying in the floor, but he still doesn't like to get too close. When Satchel gets really excited and turns circles in the floor, Bray will laugh and laugh. It's so cute!
April 3rd, there was a bad storm. We were under a tornado warning, and it was hailing. Normally, I've always enjoyed thunderstorms. But, with Brayden all the way on the other side of the house, I was a nervous wreck! Thankful for my husband who suggested we bring Brayden to our room when I was so anxious. We put him in the bassinet that is still set-up in our bedroom. We also brought the crib mattress in, cleaned out the shower of all bottles and what not, and were ready to get in the tub and cover ourselves if it got really bad. It helped calm my nerves. The Lord protected us, and nothing happened, but I felt better.
I have been looking at Easter baskets for Bray. I didn't like most of them, but I did find one on Pinterest that was for sell on Etsy. I decided to recreate it, but put my own twist on it. I want Bray to celebrate Easter with egg hunts, candy, and Easter baskets, but I also want him to know the true reason of Easter. So, I put "He is Risen" on one side of the bucket with a sun (Brayden's handprint) over the crosses at Calvary, and then "Brayden Dale" with a chick and Easter eggs on the other side. I used my Cricut to cut out the chick, words, and egg shapes. I free handed the designs on the eggs and painted the grass and crosses. I painted everything with regular acrylic paint, then I clearcoated it with a glossy, Krylon glaze to set it and keep the paint from scratching off. I LOVED the way it turned out. I think it will last all through Brayden's childhood, and will be perfect decoration around Easter.
Saturday, April 5th, we went to our friends' little boy's first birthday party. I can't believe Callen is already a year old! We love the McKenzie family so much! Here are the cuties that were at the party (minus the Hardeman twins).
Left: Buddy holding Peyton. Middle: The birthday boy, Callen. Right: Kenlie holding Brayden. |
Brayden was still tired the following morning. Nick was at band practice at church, and there was a nice, calm, spring thunderstorm. Bray cuddled up to me and took a good nap. I love those moments.
I got a new baby carrier to use with Brayden. I've really enjoyed the Baby Bjorn that we received as a shower gift, but Brayden had outgrown it. I got this Infantino Flip Front 2 Back. Brayden has really enjoyed it, and so have I. Mr. Nosy likes to be able to see everything that is going on around him. :)
Tuesday, April 8th, Nick, Brayden, and I went out with Joe & Melanie to celebrate Melanie's birthday. She requested 5D Cattle Company Steakhouse in Avinger. We were definitely up for that. Brayden was really fussy during dinner, but I attributed that to not taking a good nap that afternoon. However, he woke up numerous times that night. When I went to get him ready for the day the next morning, he was running a fever of 100.7. I made an appointment for him, and we found out he had an ear infection. I think it never cleared up completely from when he had RSV the previous month. They tested for RSV, and, thankfully, it was negative, so he had gotten over that. Later that afternoon, I decided I needed to go to the doctor's too. I hadn't been feeling all that well for over two weeks, and that day was the worse it had been. Turned out, I had a bad sinus infection. Medicine for both of us, a daily dose of allergy medicine until allergy season is over, and I believe we are back to 100%.
Last weekend, we went to the church campout at Twin Oaks Campground on Lake Cypress Springs. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I've fed my obsession for hats and sunglasses for Brayden. He got to wear a few of them while at the camp. We went out there Friday and spent two nights. They showed a movie under the stars Friday night. Saturday, we had a potluck dinner and some fellowship around the campfire. Nick fished the last day and was on baby duty while I packed up the inside things before I left the closing of the camper to him. I just love how resourceful Nick is in using the baby carrier and getting to fish at the same time. :)
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He enjoyed having the windows opening and enjoying the breeze. |
My sweet loves took an afternoon nap on Saturday. |
He fell asleep for bedtime around the campfire on Saturday evening. |
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Camping is hard work. |
Nick had some fun with Brayden and his pacifier holder. :)
Little man is getting so big. This was his first time to sit in the cart like a big boy. Too cute!
Brayden goes to our church's mother's day out program, Kids Crossing, on Mondays and Wednesdays. This past Wednesday, they had an Easter egg hunt for the older kids. The babies got to enjoy it too though because Stacey bought this awesome stroller. Brayden and his buddies Maddox, Malachi, Bracton, and (not pictured) Collin. Love all these sweet boys!
They also made this really cute little Easter craft.
Our little man was six months old yesterday. Hard to believe half a year has already passed!
He had his doctor's appointment today and his shots. He's such a big boy! 20 lb 15 oz (95th percentile), 28.25" long (97th percentile), 18.5" head circumference (>97th percentile). He cried with the shots, but he's taken almost a three hour nap. I'm sure he'll wake up soon and be ready for a bottle.
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Sweet baby cuddles after those mean ole shots. |