Our family is falling into a routine now a days. I'm back at work, and Brayden is going to a sitter's now. :( Nick & I so enjoy our time with our sweet boy, and I take pictures all the time. I especially like to take pictures when he's in new outfits. :) He's as handsome as can be and growing like a weed! He sleeps like his Momma, and for that I am grateful. He goes down between 8:00 and 9:00pm, and I have to wake him up around 7:00am to get ready for the day. And he takes really good naps in the afternoon normally. It's been crazy cold lately, so Brayden is getting to model all of his hoodies and fleece outfits I wasn't sure if he'd need. Brayden is eating around 28-32 ounces of formula a day. They said that after his surgery, he'd eat like he was starving and more than most babies do at his size and age, but that it would even itself back out after a while when the pyloric muscle had time to heal itself. I think he's finally starting to get to the average amount of formula for his size.
Last Friday, we went to eat dinner with the Mayben family. These kids crack me up. Kenlie tried on Brayden's bib (and it fit!), Keyton made funny faces with me, and Bray hung out and watched it all. Love my Mayben family!
Sunday night a lot of our friends came over to celebrate mine and Nick's birthdays. Since our birthdays fall right smack dab in the middle of all the holidays, we decided to wait until after everyone was back into their normal routines to do something. Mitchell made smoked pork, Casey made dip, Chaynie made fruit dip, and I made some piggies. We all just hung out, ate food, laughed, visited, and had a great time. For some reason, the electricity went out all over town for about 3 minutes. Our house gets DARK when the lights go out. I'm pretty sure there was some squealing going on from the little girls before we got phone flash lights turned on and candles lit. Of course, by the time we got the candles lit, the electricity came back on. But, oh well, it was funny.
He is such a happy baby in the mornings!
We take pictures in the morning of our handsome boy, but I realized we hadn't taken any pictures with him lately, so Nick snapped this picture of us on Wednesday and I took their's this morning.
I think we're going out with some friends tonight for dinner. My Mom & Sister are going to come hang out tomorrow. And we'll probably rest on Sunday. I love the weekends with my family and friends!